Full steam ahead

Steam is more than evaporated water. Steam is power. Steam is what we use to provide the
world with our culinary solutions. And although steam eventually dissolves into the air,
Deliva is grounded and here to stay.

Some idealists call it a dream, we call it a vision. A vision to be a leading company in the
European food industry. A reliable partner for tailor-made food solutions. And an innovative
environment for motivated people.

Deliva blends an international mindset with a family spirit.
High-tech with a human-touch. And a fiery ambition with a humble mindset. We álways
promise what we can deliver and we deliver only what we’ve promised… To all kinds of
clients. Clients who want fully prepped meals or tailor-made building blocks.

But there’s one thing áll our clients expect: the same fresh and nutritious meals at any given
time. Therefore, we’ve developed our state-of-the-art slow cooking technology and
processes. They maintain the highest standards in food quality and safety while keeping
each meal packed with vitamins and delicious flavors.

To ensure that promise, every step in our process receives
the same devotion and care.

From drafting revolutionary recipes and sourcing the right ingredients. To slicing, dicing, searing, stirring and combining every component to create one harmonious ensemble. We get it packaged, processed and transported with the greatest consideration. All to guarantee the perfect serve for thousands of companies across Europe.

Our processes and technology will never stop evolving. You know why? Because we want to be able to anticipate changes in lifestyle and the health challenges of tomorrow, together with taking responsibility towards our planet for a more sustainable future.

In order to stay leading and reliable, we must be dedicated, think forward and go full steam ahead.